Sunday, December 13, 2009

Acticle 3

Based on Article #3:
How has the evolution of medical technology changed the way we look at disabilities?
I think with the new medical technology we now look at disabilities as they should be looked at. Before it seemed like those with disabilities were looked at as if they couldn't be helped and were just going to have to go through their lives like this. However, with the new technology, we see disabilities as something that can be helped, that are biological and genetic, and with the proper care and treatment the individual will be able to be helped.
It's a big change because we are now looking at disabilities in a scientific way and in the medical way because disabilities have a large medical component to them.

What implications will this new outlook have on teaching and mandated legislation?
I think it will lead to teachers having to understand how the brain works and how the brain is affected by the disability. Teachers are going to need to be more on top of each student and get them into earlier testing when a disability is suspected. Also, the RtI that is state mandated may actually be mandated to be put in place.


  1. I agree with you. I think this change is going to improve not only how we teach but how we interact with our students. Having a better udnerstand of why things happens makes it easier to deal with. I also agree that teachers are going to have to be more on top of it, no excuses.

  2. I agree. I never thought about how my studies inbiology wouldhelp with learning. I hope that with this new information parents and teachers are educated on it. I know as a teacher we cannot diagnose but many times we are the first to suspect. This is a fine line. On one hand we suggest a student be tested for a LD the parent may be offended on the other they may be relieved. Only through educating both parents and teachers on this topic will it truly be effective.
